Social Media influencer Andrew Tate shared his reaction to John Cena’s nude appearance at the 2024 Academy Awards and considered it a sign of Slavery. He suggested that the act was a humiliation ritual and wrote on Twitter “We know which side John Cena Chose.”
Last week, wrestler-turned-actor John Cena walked nude at the Oscars 2024 to present the award for Best Costume Design and created disruption in both the physical as well as digital worlds.
Tate said “I want to make something clear: I was saying this morning about how John Cena was doing his humiliation ritual at the Oscars to satisfy his gay paymasters and some people were saying, ‘Oh, maybe he is promoting his movie.’”

He said in a video “I don’t care what movie I make, you can not convince me to do that, you can not convince me to do something fruity or weird, it doesn’t matter what movie I am in.”
He further added “I won’t do it because my principles are too strong. So, to say he is only promoting a movie is still agreeing with me because you are saying he did it to promote his movie for money because he sold his soul to his gay paymasters.”
Benny Johnson & Liz Cronkin Shared Their Reactions
Besides Andrew Tate, Conservative commentator Benny Johnson shared his thoughts on the nude appearance of John Cena. He wrote “The degradation of men continues. Weak men. Hard times.”
Interestingly, Conspiracy theorist Liz Cronkin also shared his reactions and said, “No surprise that John Cena is walking on stage naked at the Oscars during prime time TV that children are most likely watching. This is not just a humiliation ritual — the Hollywood paedophiles, rapists and perverts are certainly getting off on this. I’m sure Jimmy Kimmel is as well.”
People linked everything with John Cena’s upcoming movie Ricky Stanicky, which he launched on the OnlyFans page.
Did John Cena Really Nude while Walking on Stage?
While keeping the controversies in mind, people were guessing the reasons for walking nude at the biggest show. Now, the predominant question is to ask did Cena really walk on the stage naked? The images from Backstage revealed that he wore the modesty pouch that actors usually wear while filming the intimate scenes.
In an interview, the executive VP of unscripted and alternative entertainment at Walt Disney Television Rob Mills said that the team underwent an intense process to get Cena on stage, naked. To keep the surprise, they even rehearsed in a closed room. He further added, “There was a lot of reticence of not just a fine from the FCC, but potential complaints.”
Rob explained everything and said “I’m going to educate you a little here. A bulge cannot be showing, and you can’t show a crack. It was also, ’What happens if he drops that card?’ So, we made sure that, for all intents and purposes, he looked like a Ken doll up front. His crack was covered in the back and then the envelope was Velcro-ed on there so it wouldn’t fall. But beyond that, he was naked.”